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WOD Webinar: Survival of Forage Fish in the Salish Sea


Thanks to those who were able to join us and to all who RSVP'd. For those who weren't able to view live on Zoom and for anyone else interested, below is a recording and description of the 2024 World Ocean's Day Webinar.

Survival of Forage Fish in the Salish Sea. Lunch & Learn Webinar. 'Forage Fish species are abundant schooling fishes such as herring, anchovy, sand lance, surf smelt, sardine, capelin and eulachon. These small but critical fish serve as “forage” or “prey” for hundreds of species of birds, marine mammals and large fish making them incredibly important to the marine food web.


Jacqueline Huard (bio)Project Watershed

“Forage Fish, their critical ecological role, and the utility of community stewards in conservation"

Will Duguid (bio), Pacific Salmon Foundation

"Salmon Diets and Herring Science"

Forage fish play a critical role in the growth and survival of Strait of Georgia salmon. Studying salmon diets not only reveals this role, but also provides insights into the ecology of the forage fish themselves. This talk will introduce research led by PSF's Marine Science Program that is expanding our understanding of salmon and forage fish interactions in BC.

Webinar Recording

(Note: subtitles will begin at 6:26 when our first presenter speaks; Play in Youtube to see full transcript)


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